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Writer's pictureKayla Grant

Clark Atlanta University students travel the world during Spring Break

The students at Clark Atlanta University are planning to travel both inside and outside of the United States during Spring Break.

Accompanied by the Dean of the School of Arts & Sciences, Dr. Danille K. Taylor, the Director of Graduate Affairs, Dr. Tamalyn Peterson, a professor from Morehouse College, Dr. Illya Davis, the Director of International Affairs, Gwen Wade, 29 undergraduate students and five graduate students from the Psychology Department are traveling to Europe, specifically London, Paris and Rome, from Mar. 10 to Mar. 17.

“This is the first leg of our African Diaspora trips. Each year, we will travel to places around the globe to gain a better understanding of how we as an African people have thrived. Next year we hope to travel to Brazil,” Bass said when asked why the Psychology Department decided to go to Europe.

“We will travel to places in Europe to better understand mental health in African Europeans. The goal is to visit Brixton in England, a place where many African Europeans live and thrive, and Paris, where many African Americans spent significant time in escaping the oppression and racism occurring in the U.S. after the World War. We will also travel to SOPHAS and the Sorbonne to interview African European students to get a better understanding of what plays into resilience with this group,” Bass said when asked what the Psychology Department planned to do in Europe.

During this trip, the students will conduct naturalistic observation, open a dialogue to better understand coping strategies to stress and ‘minority status,’ and conduct interviews with African Europeans.

Bass expects the students to gain a better understanding of how mental health looks around the world.

“[I want students to] have the ability to compare and contrast how the mental health stigma, service delivery and practice aligns or differs from that here in the US,” Bass said.

While the students of the Psychology Department are on their way to Europe, thirteen Accounting and Finance students are going on a trip to Amsterdam. Accompanied by Crystal Hudson, Melissa Phillips and John Alston, the students will be on this trip from Mar. 9 to Mar. 17.

During an interview with Crystal Hudson, she explained the significance of this particular trip when it comes to Accounting and Finance majors.

“From an Accounting standpoint, [we are trying to] expose the students to the international accounting standards because that is going to be on the CPA exam,” Hudson said. “From a Finance standpoint, we are really looking at different practices that a business would use to move profitability from overseas back to the U.S. without paying too much with these tariffs."

The Finance Department has partnered with Deloitte, which is an accounting firm in Amsterdam that has a consulting department. Throughout the semester, the students have been working on a case provided by the consulting department. On this trip, students will work with professionals on the case and visit their offices in Amsterdam. In addition to that, the students will visit the Amsterdam Stock Exchange.

She expects her students to leave Amsterdam with more knowledge of the international accounting standards, better exposure on the financial strategies companies use when they have locations overseas, and more knowledge about the different employment opportunities.

Outside of study abroad, students are planning trips to go all over the world. The majority of students who are traveling somewhere in the United States are either traveling to Los Angeles, California or Miami, Florida.

Charles Adeniyi, a graduating senior majoring in social work at the university, said, “I chose California for spring break because I wanted to do something different from the typical ‘Miami spring break.’ I’ve experienced it first hand and I didn’t have that much fun, so I’m hoping a change of scenery with a different crowd will be different and fun.”

“I chose to go to Miami for Spring Break because I get to see so many beautiful people that look like me and are there for a good time. It’s just good vibes,” said Talon Watley, a sophomore majoring in mass media arts with a concentration in radio, television and film, at the university.

Other students are traveling out of the United States to different islands.

“I picked Bahamas because I wanted to do something unique for Spring Break since me and a couple of friends went to Puerto Rico last year. Also, I’ve never been on a cruise so this would be my first time,” Mariah Hill, a junior majoring in mass media arts with a concentration in television, stated.

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